The Big Data Data Scientist and Regional Statistics

The Big Data Data Scientist and Regional Statistics

The Big Data Data Scientist and Regional Statistics 2018. 02. 27. | KSH – 1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly út 5-7. The Central Statistical Office with the Regional Statistics Department of the Hungarian Statistical Society and the MTA IX. Department of the Committee...
Digital Welfare Workshop

Digital Welfare Workshop

Digital Welfare Workshop 2018. 08. 17. | Budapest, Báthory u. 10. – The Secretariat of the Digital Welfare Program, in cooperation with the Government Informatics Development Agency (KIFÜ), is organizing a workshop entitled Information Security and Cyber...
Geopolitics Summer Course

Geopolitics Summer Course

Geopolitics Summer Course 2018. 07. 09. | Domaine de Penthes – 18, Chemin de l’Impératrice, Geneva (CH). GENEVA INSTITUTE OF GEOPOLITICAL STUDIES (GIGS) ANNOUNCESGEOPOLITICSSUMMER COURSEWhen: The program begins on Monday, July 9, 2018, and ends on Friday, July...
Cyberspace Cartography Scientific Conference

Cyberspace Cartography Scientific Conference

Cyberspace Cartography Scientific Conference 03/13/2018 | Ecole militaire, Paris – The Castex Chair of Cyberstrategy will host the Cyberspace Cartography Scientific Conference from March 13-14, 2018, under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of...


ITBN CONF-EXPO 09/25/2019-26. | ITBN ’19 09/26/2019 13:05 -13.25 in the Groupama Arena Interactive Room“Preparing for Cyber ​​War”Dr. István Pintér President, Geopolitical Council’s lectureIn the event of a cyber war, how long can Europe rely on NATO’s (mainly...